Nov 27, 2019

Algeria: How and why military chief General Gaid Salah neutralizes his foes

On Wednesday 13 November, Major-General Abderrazak Cherif was sentenced to 15 years in prison by the Blida military court for “illicit enrichment, trading in influence and breach of army instructions.” This verdict shocked many observers and analysts knowledgeable on Algeria’s military affairs.  Many of them expected leniency by the military court over the former leader […]

On Wednesday 13 November, Major-General Abderrazak Cherif was sentenced to 15 years in prison by the Blida military court for “illicit enrichment, trading in influence and breach of army instructions.” This verdict shocked many observers and analysts knowledgeable on Algeria’s military affairs.  Many of them expected leniency by the military court over the former leader of the 4th military zone, who was one of the closest senior officers to and a collaborator of General Ahmed Gaid Salah, the head of the military. But General Cherif made the mistake of angering military chief General Gaid Salah, and that cost him dearly. The old general trusts no one, relies on no one, and is quick at punishing anyone he considers to be a problem.

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Sahel: Terror Groups Gain Ground as Armies Struggle to Contain Them

Al-Qaeda’s Sahel branch (GSIM) is now emerging as the region’s dominant jihadist force. Even the brutal Islamic State has been largely unable to contain SGIM’s expansion, which has been expanding its control across Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger.

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