The North Africa Journal – 8 November 2018: MEA Risk LLC says that for the period of 1 to 7 November 2018, there were 53 critical incidents recorded in Algeria, resulting in a single death and 392 arrests. The share of the Criminality category in the week’s total incident pool was 39%, with authorities maintaining their anti-crime campaign through arrests of criminal suspects and the seizures of illegal products. The Human & Social category, which includes the interception of undocumented migrants, followed with 29.41% of the week’s incident count.
While observers tend to focus on Algeria’s counter-terror campaign, the country’s security services have been waging a sustained war against organized crime and illegal migration. In all 277 migrants were arrested nationwide this week, according to MEA Risk LLC. The province of Tamanrasset registered the highest number of arrests, with at least 100 people recorded this week alone. Other provinces with illegal migrant arrests this week included Mostaganem, Naama, Tlemcen, Laghouat, Ouargla, and In Guezzam.