Ahmed Al-Charaa, once a top jihadist leader, now rules Syria after toppling Bashar al-Assad. But his grip on power is fragile. While rebranding himself as a moderate, he faces opposition from the Islamic State, which sees him as an apostate, and from former allies who...
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Could Syria Avoid a Repeat of the Libyan Disaster: Opinion by Arezki Daoud
By Arezki Daoud: What is happening in Syria cannot leave us insensitive to the plight of the Syrian people, who have endured decades of abuse from the Assad family and its cronies. From the father Hafad al-Assad to his son Bachar al-Assad, the Syrian people...
Egypt: Efforts at a National Dialogue Undermined by an Unhinged Political Police
Egypt is sending mix signals on its human rights records. Some in Cairo’s political system are trying hard to project the image of an Egypt complying with international human rights standards, but the security apparatus remains active in undermining those efforts and...
Egypt Gets Massive Injections of Cash, but Outlook is Still Shaky
By Arezki Daoud | LinkedIn | Egypt has many powerful allies, including those in the global financial sector. No one wants to see it collapse, so money is flowing in a-go-go. Despite a dismal economic performance, global rating agencies, which acknowledge that Egypt is...
Egypt’s Demographic Time Bomb
This month of June 2024, the Egyptian population reached the record number 106.4 million people. Egyptians added 126,000 babies in just one month. Dividing this by 30 days, fetches 4,200 babies per day. The Egyptian government does not like this trend because this...
War in Gaza forces former Middle East foes to seek reconciliation
By Mondafrique: The war in Gaza is forcing feuding States in the Middle East and in the Gulf to seek the path of reconciliations. Faced with President Biden’s inability to impose a red line on Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, the four most influential...

How Egypt’s road infrastructure investments are ruinous and destructive
Photo by Mostnir Shady Ahmed: In the decade since President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi seized power, Egypt has built dozens...

Egypt: Sandstorm brings down billboard in Cairo, kills one
One person was killed and five others were injured Thursday when a billboard collapsed in a major thoroughfare as a...

Egypt replants mangrove ‘treasure’ to fight climate change impacts
By Bahira Amin: On Egypt's Red Sea coast, fish swim among thousands of newly planted mangroves, part of a programme to...
Environment: Rights and environmental groups say Egypt is not fit to host major climate summit
A month before Egypt hosts the UN climate change conference, Cairo is finalising the list of world leaders coming as...
Egypt: As it prepares for major climate summit, Egypt criticized for “growing repression of dissent”
Egyptian authorities "have continued to stifle freedoms" in the year since launching a national human rights strategy,...
Egypt: Rights activists decry choice of Egypt to host next environmental summit
Human Rights Watch criticised Monday the choice of Egypt as host for the next climate summit, warning the government...
Egypt: Looming environment disaster in the Red Sea
By Bassem Aboualabass: Standing on a boat bobbing gently in the Red Sea, Egyptian diving instructor Mohamed Abdelaziz...
Egypt inks deal with Chinese Covid vaccine maker to manufacture a billion doses per year
Egypt said Wednesday it plans to manufacture one billion doses a year of China's Sinovac vaccine, claiming it would...
Egypt: UN sees ray of hope in talks over controversial Ethiopian dam
An agreement on Ethiopia's controversial Nile River dam is possible, the UN said Thursday, urging "trust, transparency...
Egypt: More tension in Egypt after Ethiopia resumes filling of its giant dam
The conflict over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on the Blue Nile Ethiopia's construction of a massive dam on a...
Egypt seeks to appease concern over impact of Ethiopian dam on water supply
Egypt's foreign minister has said that moves by Ethiopia to resume filling its vast dam on the Nile in the coming...
Egypt angry at Ethiopia after Ethiopian diplomat spoke of Egypt’s internal problems
Egypt's foreign ministry said it has summoned Ethiopia's top diplomat in Cairo over comments by an Addis Ababa...
Egypt: More unrest in Egypt with explosion of gas pipeline supplying El Arish
A blast hit a gas pipeline in Egypt's restive North Sinai region Thursday, a security source told AFP. "An explosion...
Egypt’s crumbling infrastructure: three killed in building collapse in Alexandria
Three people died on Wednesday when a dilapidated building collapsed in the Egyptian city of Alexandria, a security...
Egypt: Impasse in talks over Ethiopia dam
Sudan said Wednesday the latest round of talks with Egypt and Ethiopia over Addis Ababa's controversial dam on the...
Egypt: Impasse in talks over Nile dam. Sudan threatens to withdraw
Egypt on Tuesday called for a suspension of meetings with Ethiopia on Addis Ababa's massive dam construction project...
Egypt: Nile dam talks getting complicated, experiencing deadlock
Egypt said Saturday that tripartite talks with Ethiopia and Sudan over a controversial mega-dam on the River Nile were...
Egypt: No progress in Nile dam negotiations with Ethiopia
Cairo, June 9, 2020 - Egypt's President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi strongly rebuked Ethiopia on Tuesday, accusing Addis...
Egypt: Ethiopia Nile dam crisis intensifies
Addis Ababa, May 18, 2020 - Ethiopia sees no reason to delay filling its controversial mega-dam despite warnings from...