Algeria: Military reshuffle confirms uncertainty ahead of elections

Posted On 23 August 2018

Number of times this article was read : 102

The North Africa Journal -By Hakim Briki – August 23, 2018: President Bouteflika has ordered an important military reshuffle, which might redefine the role of the armed forces in Algerian politic. Major Generals Habib Chentouf and Said El Bey, respectively the Commanders of the first (north center) and second (northwestern) military regions, have been dismissed on 19 August. According to the Algerian media, Habib Chentouf’s relationship with the Army Chief-of-Staff and Vice-Minister of Defense, Ahmed Gaid Salah, had turned sour. The same sources suggest that Chentouf, who is close to President Bouteflika, was gunning for Gaid Salah’s position. However, the dismissal of Said El Bey was unexpected. The Major General is known for his role in counter-terrorism in the Mitidja region, while he was the commander of the north central military region during the civil war.

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