111 Bound

US-Niger relations face uncertainty, with Niamey’s pivot to Russia

Audio version: The news:  The visit a few days ago of a US government delegation to Niamey, the capital of Niger, did not go down well with the ruling junta there. Clearly as the junta is paving the way for the Russian military to enter Niger and expand their presence...

Agriculture: Spanish farmers say Moroccan strawberries carry virus, as Morocco surpasses Spain as tomato supplier to EU

Agriculture is the theater of another kind of war where there are winners and losers. Worth billions of dollars, the EU agricultural market is seeing intensifying competition, with local farmers sometime resorting to violence to destroy competing produce coming from...

Algeria-Morocco Competition for Regional Influence Shifts to Economic Affairs

Opinion By Arezki Daoud:  Up until now, enemy brothers, Algeria and Morocco have been trying to impress and disrupt one another to ascertain their influence in the North Africa and Sahel regions through sabre-rattling, despite the two countries boasting the exact same...

Sahel: Wagner Group closes in on Mali’s N’Tillit gold mine

Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso share a common border.  GPS coordinates [14.9143, 0.2424] are where the three countries meet, and this is an area where terrorism and instability reign supreme. Insurgent groups have proliferated, attacking on one side of the border(s),...

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