Algeria Bound

Mali Keeps Pressuring Algeria, Accusing it of Interference

Mali has accused Algeria of interference and supporting terrorist groups after top Algerian diplomat criticized its counter-terrorism strategy. Bamako alleges Algeria maintains ties to insurgent groups, a reference to the Toureg tribes, 

Algeria boosts defense budget to tackle cross-border threats

Algeria’s draft Finance Law for the year 2025 earmarks record spending for its military and defense.  The Ministry of Defense, which oversees the country’s armed forces, will receive more than US$25 billion, an increase of over 10% compared to 2024.  The move is...

Algeria: Diphtheria and Malaria outbreak in southern border regions claims at least 40 lives

Algeria’s southern provinces are experiencing an outbreak of malaria and diphtheria, with the authorities working to reassure that public that “the situation is stable.” The most affected region appears to be Timiaouine, in the Bordj Badji Mokhtar province. The Algerian Health Security Agency says  the two diseases have already claimed the lives of 40 people. Local sources say the malaria outbreak is due to marshes formed after heavy rains hit the region in September.

Algeria: Former head of police in custody for allegedly conspiring with foreign officials

An Algerian military court ordered the provisional detention of a former national police chief, Farid Bencheikh, who carried the title of Director General of National Security. The arrest was commented by many observers of the Algerian political scene, because...

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