Morocco: Mafia fugitive arrested in Tangiers

Posted On 1 June 2019

Number of times this article was read : 230

Rabat, May 30, 2019 – An Italian mafia fugitive wanted for drug trafficking, murder, extortion and other alleged crimes has been arrested in Morocco, authorities in the North African country said Thursday. Raffaele Vallefuoco, 55, is accused of heading a cell within the Polverino clan of the ruthless Naples-based Camorra organised crime group, the General Directorate of National Security said in a statement. He was detained in Tangiers on Wednesday under an Italian arrest warrant, with help from Interpol, it said.

Another Italian accused of links to the Camorra, 44-year-old Antonio Prinno, was arrested in late March in Marrakesh and is being detained pending extradition, a police source said.

The Camorra is one of Italy’s three main mafia groups, along with Sicily’s Cosa Nostra and the ‘Ndrangheta, based mainly in the Calabria region. Morocco is one of the world’s top producers and exporters of hashish, according to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime.


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Written by The North Africa Journal

The North Africa Journal is a leading English-language publication focused on North Africa. The Journal covers primarily the Maghreb region and expands its general coverage to the Sahel, Egypt, and beyond, when events in those regions affect the broader North Africa geography. The Journal does not have any affiliation with any institution and has been independent since its founding in 1996. Our position is to always bring our best analysis of events affecting the region, and remain as neutral as humanly possible. Our coverage is not limited to one single topic, but ranges from economic and political affairs, to security, defense, social and environmental issues. We rely on our full staff analysts and editors to bring you best-in-class analysis. We also work with sister company MEA Risk LLC, to leverage the presence on the ground of a solid network of contributors and experts. Information on MEA Risk can be found at

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