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Western Sahara: Escalating Tensions Between Morocco and the SPLA

The North Africa Journal:  With global attention focused on the Middle East and the Ukrainian crises, the Western Sahara feud has been evolving from a low-intensity conflict to a one with more frequent incidents, risking to shift into a higher-intensity crisis if the...

Russia’s first African military base in a highly unstable nation

By Arezki Daoud: Since Russia started its war on Ukraine, we have been told that Moscow was headed towards disaster. Echoing the views of Western governments, think-tanks and their analysts, many media outlets told us that Russia will not have the stamina to withstand...

Burkina Faso government says year-end army offensive killed hundreds of “terrorists” ($)

In a year-end offensive carried out by the Burkina Faso military from December 23, 2023 to January 2, 2024 in the East and Center-East regions, involving air and land assets, allegedly claimed the lives of 360 suspected terrorists. Authorities say terror chief Oumarou...

Sahel: Burkina Faso ratchets up war effort with new army units and taxes for voluntary militia

The North Africa Journal - The new year began in earnest in Burkina Faso, with fresh efforts from the government to create new units and tackle funding for volunteer militiamen. The country has been facing a devastating insurgency and has a military junta that appears...

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