Mahieddine Tahkout was a major backer of disgraced former President Bouteflika

Jun 12, 2019

Algeria: The unraveling of corruption in business and politics

The North Africa Journal | 12 June 2019: These are unusual days in Algeria. Corruption probes are wreaking havoc on the country’s economy, freezing entire enterprises, and risking tens of thousands of jobs. While many CEOs are now behind bars, awaiting what could be difficult years ahead for them, this is not the first time […]

The North Africa Journal | 12 June 2019: These are unusual days in Algeria. Corruption probes are wreaking havoc on the country’s economy, freezing entire enterprises, and risking tens of thousands of jobs. While many CEOs are now behind bars, awaiting what could be difficult years ahead for them, this is not the first time Algeria goes from judicial dormancy to judicial epilepsy. During the Bouteflika era, the regime launched a witch-hunt on dozens of public sector CEOs. Many were eventually dragged to prison so as to allow a cabal of private businessmen to take over. And so they did! Now the tables have turned, and another witch-hunt cycle began. Some see this as a way for the regime to clean up its acts and renew itself. Regardless, the justice system in Algerian is clearly showing its limitations, by focusing on how to punish, and not on how to preserve the assets and jobs the targeted companies have created.

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Sahel: Terror Groups Gain Ground as Armies Struggle to Contain Them

Al-Qaeda’s Sahel branch (GSIM) is now emerging as the region’s dominant jihadist force. Even the brutal Islamic State has been largely unable to contain SGIM’s expansion, which has been expanding its control across Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger.

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